Testing out new colours with the electrodes illustration and seeing how it would look when contextualised. Sort of happy with it so far but needs more playing with before it works out exactly right.
To illustrate an article on how the study of cosmology might be flawed. I need to give this image alot more narrative to accompany the article so I may put it in a frame similar to a telescope.
This is trying not to do the obvious but for now this is a planning image. I really like using watercolour so I am a bit determined to get at least one watercolour painting into the project.... we'll see how it goes.
Definitely an improvement on the last attempt. Still want to add colour, so may try to screen print/ play in photoshop a bit to find a good combination. But overall, much happier with it.
A small side illustration to a story on how chick have been found to be one of the only animals besides humans that count from left to right. Still in progress (as everything seems to be) but just getting what's in my head on the paper.